June Ranson
CEO, Woburn International
Past Chair of NZAMI

The NZ National Political Elections were held on 14 October 2023 when a new coalition Government was elected. Arising from this, announced on Friday 24 November 2023 the new Government allocation of portfolios was published. Erica Stanford who has been extremely active as the Opposition spokesperson will now become the newly appointed Minister of Immigration for New Zealand. Working alongside her will be two Associate Ministers of Immigration. The Associate Minister role is usually held by one appointee. The Minister of Immigration, Erica Stanford has a background in law and business, with an extremely strong work ethic and commitment to public service.

She has been in this role since November 24, 2023. Stanford is a member of the National Party and has a background in law and business. She has been praised for her strong work ethic and her commitment to public service.
Stanford has indicated a number of changes to New Zealand’s immigration system since taking office. These changes indicate:
- Serious consideration to the median hourly wage currently at $29.66 remaining at this level rather than being increased in February 2024 to $31.61.
- Making it easier for businesses to hire foreign workers.
- Streamlining the visa application process.
These changes have been welcomed by business groups, who say they will help to alleviate skill shortages in New Zealand. However, some critics have argued that the changes will make it easier for low-skilled workers to immigrate to New Zealand, which could drive down wages.
The biggest issue facing NZ employers is dealing with the median wage and the fact that NZ employers are being forced to pay migrants greater than New Zealanders undertaking the same role, so the proposed change by the Immigration Minister freezing the current median wage could help.
Overall, it is too early to say what the long-term impact of Erica Stanford’s changes will be on New Zealand’s immigration system. However, her early actions suggest that she is committed to making the system more efficient and responsive to the needs of the New Zealand economy.
Who is June Ranson?
June Ranson, the CEO of Woburn International, brings unique insights to New Zealand immigration policy discussions and visa changes that take place. Having operated in the immigration sector since 1991, and served as the Chair of the New Zealand Immigration Association from 2014 to 2022, June is known for supporting NZ businesses that rely on skilled immigrants and for advocating on behalf of those looking to relocate. Read more about June here.
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