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Student Visa New Zealand

Do you want to gain an international education, upskill, or naturally progress in your chosen field of study? If you answer “Yes”, then New Zealand is the right place to come and achieve your dreams, so let’s help you get an NZ student visa.

Graduates receive a certificate at the university

Why Study in New Zealand?

World-Class Education: New Zealand boasts eight universities ranked within the top 500 globally. Whether you’re interested in science, technology, arts, or humanities, you’ll receive a comprehensive and internationally recognised education.
Vibrant Culture: You will have access to New Zealand’s vibrant and diverse culture which will help to have a better understanding of New Zealand’s work ethics and values.
Career Opportunities: New Zealand’s economy seeks skilled professionals, especially in fields like engineering, healthcare, and IT. By pursuing high-demand degrees, you enhance your prospects of securing well-paid jobs.

What to Study in New Zealand?

Our advice is to choose the right course that leads to your permanent settling pathway in New Zealand as your key objective.

Courses like Early Childhood, Nursing, Health Care Work Force, Construction, and Engineering are on the pathway to Residence.

Here are some of the most in-demand courses in New Zealand.

• Engineering • Nursing • Business • IT and Computer Science • Hospitality • Healthcare • Medicine • Agriculture • Environmental Science • MBA • Psychology • Sports Management • Art and Design • Artificial Intelligence • Construction • Engineering forestry • Media Studies

As a native English speaking country, New Zealand is a great place to study the English language. You can learn more about this here.

What are the different NZ Student Visa Categories?

Fee Paying Student Visa

To study full-time as a student, you have to cover the entire tuition fees and enrol at an accredited educational institution.

Exchange Student Visa

Study for up to 4 years in an approved exchange program.

Foreign Government Supported Student Visa

Available for students with foreign government loans or scholarships.

Pathway Student Visa

Study up to 3 consecutive courses on a single visa, with potential for up to 5 years’ study and work rights.

What should you know before applying for an NZ Student Visa?

International students studying in New Zealand will only ever be placed in institutions regulated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Only NZQA institutions are registered to formally enrol international students and this ensures complete compliance with qualifications standards.
You must provide proof of identity, health, character, genuine intentions, offer of place, medical and travel insurance, sufficient funds, etc. while applying for a student visa.
Approved Stamp visa and passport document to immigration at airport in country.

What are the options after your study?

You will gain international education and experience. New Zealand’s education system is committed to delivering high-quality and diverse education experiences that are sustainable, globally competitive, and deliver value.

You will have access to a post-study work visa right, upon completing the eligible course. A Master’s degree will lead you to the Immigration Residence pathway through the new 6-point system.

Talk to us for more options after your study.

How Woburn can help?