While New Zealand continues to be an excellent destination for investment, it is worth seeking professional guidance given the teething troubles with the Government’s new policy. Not to forget the possibility of major amendments to the system if a change in government occurs during the upcoming general election in October.
What is the Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa?
In October 2022, the Government introduced the Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa policy, which replaced the previous investor-related category. One significant change introduced under this new scheme involves the involvement of an additional government department called ‘New Zealand Trade and Enterprise’ (NZTE). NZTE’s approval is now required on the type of physical investment before an application can proceed.

Pros and cons of AIP
Qualified advisors, including us, Woburn International, along with various industry bodies, have been making representations regarding the issues arising from the new scheme. The uptake has been slow. Partly due to the $15 million dollar investor requirement compared to the previous private investor categories 1 ($10 million) and 2 ($3 million), commentators highlight that it is natural to exercise investor caution when a new policy is brought in. But, the plus side is that, with only a limited number of applications in the queue, now is a good time to initiate the process.
Conversation with the Finance Minister
“I spoke to Finance Minister Grant Robertson about our concerns and he believes the new policies will take time to bed down and the Government was looking at reviewing them in due course. A review or major amendments are expected if the Government changes in October.
New Zealand wants and needs major investment. While it is frustrating negotiating rule changes, I believe the system will have to evolve to meet these needs. Overseas investors are both valuable and essential to the New Zealand economy and we are actively working to see the policy treat all sides of the relationship fairly and respectfully.” – June Ranson
Although there are noticeable teething troubles and certain inherent unfairness in the system, we believe that these challenges are not insurmountable, and we will persist in advocating for a fair resolution. Considering the extensive scope and complexity of the changes, prospective investors should seek guidance from licensed immigration advisors or lawyers who prioritise both their interests and the best interests of the country.
Who is June Ranson?
June Ranson, the CEO of Woburn International, brings unique insights to New Zealand immigration policy discussions and visa changes that take place. Having operated in the immigration sector since 1991, and served as the Chair of the New Zealand Immigration Association from 2014 to 2022, June is known for supporting NZ businesses that rely on skilled immigrants and for advocating on behalf of those looking to relocate. Read more about June here.
You may not know but we have been assisting people from all around the World relocate to New Zealand for many many years … and we are very good at it. Contact our office at +64 4 569 4861, or email services@woburn.co.nz.