You must have a valid Work Visa to be employed in New Zealand unless you are a New Zealand or Australian citizen or a Permanent Resident.
The most common Work Visa type is an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). This type of visa requires a job offer from an Immigration New Zealand accredited employer.

The Accredited Employer Work Visa
This is the primary pathway to obtaining a Work Visa in New Zealand. It requires support from an accredited employer in New Zealand.
Most roles require employers to pay the median wage set by Immigration New Zealand. There are a few exceptions to this median wage in certain sectors. There is a minimum skills threshold that must be met as well as any requirement set by the employer.
You can check if an employer is accredited on the Immigration New Zealand website here
While the Accredited Employer Work Visa is the most common Work Visa in New Zealand, there are a few other options that do not require a job offer in New Zealand.
Working Holiday Visa Scheme
Working Holiday Visas are only available in countries that have a mutual agreement with New Zealand for Working Holiday Visas. Working Holiday Visas are available to young people, usually aged 18 to 30, but 18 to 35 in a select few countries.
You cannot accept a permanent job offer while on a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa. The length of Visas and employment conditions vary between the different countries.
Post-Study Work Visa
Those who have recently completed studies in New Zealand on a Student Visa may be eligible for a Post-Study Work Visa.
A Post-Study Work Visa allows you to stay and work in New Zealand for any employer for up to 3 years, depending on what you studied.

Specific Purpose Work Visa
If the purpose of your intended work in New Zealand does not fit in any of the common work visa pathways, then there is a Specific Purpose Work Visa which covers a range of options.
The Specific Purpose Work Visa covers things such as short-term secondments, sports people and coaches. Referees or judges, installers of servicers of specialised machinery as well as other options.
If you are bringing your family with you, each family member will also need a Visa depending on what your employment will determine if you can support your family and what type of Visa they can obtain.

Applying for your Work Visa in New Zealand.
You can apply for a Work Visa either while in New Zealand or offshore. We recommend being organised for the Visa application is essential due to current long processing times. You will need to make sure that you are meeting all requirements for a Work Visa which is where Woburn International can help.
Biggest hurdles for being granted a Work Visa
- Finding employment in New Zealand with an accredited employer when you are based outside New Zealand. It is sometimes useful to travel to New Zealand on a Visitor Visa initially, to meet with potential employers/recruiters.
- Proving evidence of your previous work experience to meet requirements is essential. Immigration New Zealand want to see a range of documents from your experience. It is often difficult to find historic evidence.
- Processing times are currently having a big impact on migrants and employers. This makes it difficult to plan your move to New Zealand.
How can Woburn help?
Woburn can guide you through the entire process to ensure you have the best chance of being granted a Work Visa. Woburn will:
- Ensure you meet all minimum requirements to be granted a Work Visa.
- Work with your employer to ensure that they are aware of the requirements they must meet to support your Visa application.
- Advise on the best Work Visa type for your purpose in New Zealand and what documents (eg: police clearances, medicals etc) may be required.
- Determine if your Work Visa will allow you to support your family on Visas.
- Review your future pathways to residence that your employment in New Zealand might bring you.
Contact us
Please get in touch with any questions you may have to
Woburn International is New Zealand’s leading specialist in NZ immigration, skilled migrant placements, relocation, emigration, international remuneration and cultural awareness. Contact us to find out how we can help you move to New Zealand.