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Sama Kandasamy

Licensed Immigration Adviser

Licence Number: 201800949

Sama has been a welcome asset to our Woburn International team since joining us in 2018. His previous experience in helping New Zealand migrants, along with a strong legal and linguistics background, have provided Sama with a unique ability to help our clients.
Sama Kandasamy

Sama’s Background

Originally from Malaysia, Sama came to New Zealand in 2005. He studied law at the University of Waikato and completed a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s in Law before going on to gain a Master’s Degree in Linguistics.

Following his study, Sama used his language skills and qualification in linguistics to teach English to a wide range of people through the Waikato Migrant Centre. It was while teaching migrants that Sama recognised a real need to offer additional assistance as people went through the steps towards permanent residency and citizenship.

Sama’s legal background gave him a real interest in immigration, particularly as it’s linked to government legislation and policy. This prompted Sama to open up the textbooks once again, going on to complete a Graduate Diploma in Immigration Advice in 2018.

At Woburn International, Sama provides advice across the full range of immigration needs. He has seen many changes in the immigration process since he gained New Zealand residency and citizenship, with the rules becoming a lot more stringent. Changes to immigration policies are ongoing, with frequent changes to many of the visa types just in recent months.

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